Monday, 12 August 2013

CORE Modules of ATG Platform

The ATG Platform includes the following core components:
        DAS – Dynamo Application Server
        DAF - Dynamo Application Framework
        DPS - ATG Personalization Module
        DSS – ATG Scenarios Module

Dynamo Application Server:

            Dynamo Application server (DAS) is a standards-based, scalable, high-performance application enginethat drives our J2EE applications. DAS runs continuously behind the scenes to handle HTTP requests and manage other essential tasks (database connectivity, session management, etc.)

Dynamo Application Framework:

            The Dynamo Application Framework provides the foundation layer of code necessary for running the ATG platform on the application server; it runs on top of our application server and supplies essential facilities for application development and deployment.

ATG Personalization Module:

            The Personalization module provides features that are specifically designed to support Web site personalization, which is the process of displaying different content to each site visitor depending on his or her preferences and requirements. In order to create and maintain a personalized Web site, you must make a series of decisions about your site visitors and the content you want to show them; for example, how do you want to segment your site visitors? Do you want to show specific content to different age groups? Do you plan to use a site visitor’s income bracket to determine what to show her? And what content, specifically, do you want to show to each group of people?
Once you have planned your approach to the relationship between site visitors and content, you use the ATG Control Center to do the following:
·         Create profile groups
·         Group similar content items together
·         Match content groups to profile groups
·         Determine the visitor behavior that you will track and use to update profiles

ATG Scenarios Module:

            The Scenarios module extends the functionality of the Personalization module, providing a set of advanced targeting features that companies can use to plan and manage long term personalization and customer relationships. Principally, you can use the Scenarios module to do the following:
·         Create scenarios, which are event-driven campaigns designed to manage interactions between site visitors and content over a long period of time.
·         Analyze Web site and visitor data through powerful reporting features, and then use that data to refine the content that you show your visitors.
As a business user, therefore, your tasks with the Scenarios module include the following:
·         Planning, creating, and maintaining scenarios
·         Creating Web site reports and analyzing results


Site Personalization said...

Very helpful blog. Site personalization provides customized experiences based on audience, traffic, and behavioral data.

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