Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Cleaning BCC projects/agents and start BCC freshly

If want to delete all configured BCC project and agents configured in current environment and need to start the BCC from fresh, please follow the below mentioned steps.
  This mostly requires deleting data from the pub schema.
Shut down the BCC server and delete data from below mentioned tables in Pub schema. All of them are out of the box tables.
 Once data is deleted start the BCC server.
-    Delete from EPUB_TR_AGENTS;
-    Delete from EPUB_TARGET;
-    Delete from EPUB_TL_TARGETS;
-    Delete from EPUB_PRJ_TG_SNSHT;
-    Delete from EPUB_PR_HISTORY;
-    Delete from EPUB_AGENT_TRNPRT;
-    Delete from EPUB_INCLUD_ASSET;
-    Delete from EPUB_PRINC_ASSET;
-    Delete from EPUB_AGENT;
-    Delete from EPUB_PR_TG_STATUS;
-    Delete from EPUB_PROJECT;
-    Delete from EPUB_PR_TG_AP_TS;
-    Delete from EPUB_DEPLOYMENT;
-    Delete from EPUB_PR_TG_DP_TS;
-    Delete from EPUB_PROC_HISTORY;
-    Delete from EPUB_PR_TG_DP_ID;
-    Delete from EPUB_INT_PRJ_HIST;
-    Delete from EPUB_PROJECT;
-    Delete from EPUB_PROC_TASKINFO;
-    Delete from EPUB_WORKFLOW_STRS;
-    Delete from EPUB_IND_WORKFLOW;
-    Delete from EPUB_PROCESS;
-    Delete from avm_asset_lock;
-    Delete from dsi_server_id;
-    Delete from dss_server_id;
-    Delete from epub_wf_server_id;
-    Delete from epub_coll_workflow;
-    Delete from epub_workflow_info;
-    Delete from epub_ind_workflow;



Anonymous said...

why u have mentioned workflow tables?

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