Extending Catalog Item Types :
Step 1: Extend /atg/commerce/catalog/custom/customCatalog.xml to:
a. Include your subtype by extending type property
<item-descriptor name="sku"> <table name="dcs_sku"> <property name="type"> <option value="childSKU" code="300"/> </property> </table> </item-descriptor>
b. Define the subtype item descriptor and its properties
<item-descriptor name="child_sku" display-name="child SKU" super-type="sku" sub-type-value="childSKU"> <table name="child_sku" type="auxiliary" id-column-name="sku_id"> <property name="size" column-name="size" data-type="string"/> </table> </item-descriptor>
Step 2: Create appropriate tables for the customization done in the step1
IN our example create table "child_sku" with "sku-id" and "size" as columns.
Step 3: Add the subtype to CatalogTools.
In /atg/commerce/catalog/CatalogTools add the child sku type to "SKUItemTypes" property
SKUItemTypes+= childSKU
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