Friday, 4 March 2016

Customizing profile repository in ATG

We can customize any out of the box item descriptor provided by ATG in its profile repository. Example here is shown for extending "user" item descriptor. (for theory on profile click here)

Step 1:  In config folder of your application create a file in the below specified path. create folder structure, if not  present in your config folder.


Step 2: Extend the item descriptor user

    <name>Custom Profile Additions</name>
  <item-descriptor name="user" cache-mode="simple" item-cache-timeout="550000" query-expire-timeout="550000" xml-combine="append">
   <table name="CUSTOM_USER" type="auxiliary" id-column-name="user_id">
  <property name="interestedIn" data-type="string" column-name="INTERESTED_IN" display-name="Interested In" category="Custom Properties"/>

Step 3: Create appropriate SQL and run in "PRODCORE" schema

Step 4: Run the SQL scripts created in the appropriate repositories

Step 5:
Rebuild the application again. and Restart the servers.


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