Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Catalogs in ATG and How to extend them

The Product catalog is the foremost component in a Commerce Application.
The product catalog is a collection of repository items (categories, products, media, etc.) that provides the organizational framework for a commerce site.
ATG Commerce includes a default catalog implementation, based on the Dynamo SQL Repository, that can be used as it is or extended as necessary.
ATG Control Center, or ATG business control center allows editing and creation of Repository items for a catalog.
 Product catalog stores all the catalog related objects. Full path of product repository is
 The structure of ATG Commerce catalogs and the various catalog-related objects, includes
    – Catalogs
    – Categories
    – Products
    – SKUs
    - Media related objects
Product Catalog Repository Item Types: Linking is shown below
 Product Catalog Repository Item Types: Linking
     Catalogs: Catalogs are a container for a navigational structure made up of categories. Catalogs can contain links to subcatalogs and to categories.

Categories: Categories have properties that link them to other categories and to products. They can also link to other catalogs.

Products : Products have properties that link them to other products and to SKUs (stock-keeping units).Contain links for text and images used to describe a group
of SKUs

SKU : is the actual unit that is shipped to the user, Pricing is generally done at SKU level. A product can have several different SKUs associated with it, representing varieties, sizes, and colors.

Categories do not, “contain” products, nor do products “contain” SKUs. Rather, the objects are peers that are linked together through their various properties

Extending the Catalog

There are multiple ways to extend the catalog:
    – Add properties to an existing item type
    – Remove or modify properties of an existing item type
    – Create a subtype of an existing item type
    – Create a new item type

For sample example click here.


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